 The bourgeois nobleman (Peter
Langley) receives yet another dressing down from his
shrewish wife (Val Godfrey)
Wedmore Theatre Clubs Spring production this
year was the Molière farce, "The Bourgeois
Nobleman", using a brand new translation by Sue
Rippon who directed the production. Molière, founder of
the Paris Comédie Française company, is known as
the French Shakespeare although most people -
us included - think he is much funnier!
It was a large and very lavish production of this
classic seventeenth century piece, featuring a cast of
22, live music by Lully, singing, dancing and, of course,
much slapstick and knockabout comedy. The cast ranged in
age from 10 years old to 60.
Thanks to the generosity of our 40 (yes, 40!) local
Fabric Sponsors, who kindly donated a huge supply of high
quality material, we were able to make almost all our own
costumes, using authentic period patterns and much hard
work from volunteer seamstresses. Thanks also went to
Wedmore Opera for the loan of some gorgeous and valuable
silk dresses. Wigs were supplied by Dauphines of
Bristol, and furniture by the Bristol Old Vic. In the
interests of sourcing everything from the South West, we
even got the hat feathers from Cornish ostriches!
